Monthly Archives: May 2012

Run Stopper

The sweet aroma of small, white, multiflora-rose blossoms overwhelms Sunken Meadow this week, and the same uplifting scent, accompanied by complementary mock orange and pink weigela, brings refreshing air to my front parlor as well. So I can’t say I’m surprised by the rapid halt to Connecticut Valley anadromous-fish migration, which today is at a […]

Running Wild

The orchard grass is in places chest-high, with fragrant pink weigela bushes in bloom, turkey season winding down and shad running like gangbusters leading up to Memorial Day Weekend. I just discovered that the annual Fort No. 4 reenactment in Charlestown, N.H., is next weekend. Can’t wait. I think I’ll take both grandsons this time. […]


A wet, sticky week. Nesting season. Signs everywhere. Just this morning, Wednesday, on our daily romp, the dogs and I bumped into an average-sized snapping turtle of the most ornery countenance in a shallow puddle not far from a beaver pond. Chubby found it, knew better, barked and kept his distance. Lily really didn’t bother […]

Springtime Capsule

Steamy and sticky it was for our Wednesday-morning walk, the dogs now kenneled and my brow still perspiring from the romp around Sunken Meadow, where we caught the sights, the sounds, the scents, the sweet smell of spring overwhelming, four interesting mushrooms, large and showy, sprouted along the fallen trunk of a chestnut oak. I […]


Nature Lessons

It’s May Day — Workers Unite! — gray and wet, a saturating rain casting a warm green glow across the freshly mowed lawn out the window; large, twin Japanese maples along the southern perimeter at their prettiest red, the hues slightly different, right one a tad softer. I have often wondered why, then spat out […]

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